사용해보고, 사랑해보세요.
플랫폼 전반에 걸쳐 98%의 정확도와 함께 빠르고 정확한 캡션 기능을 제공합니다. 캡션은 95개 언어의 번역을 지원합니다.
Zeemo에서 제공하는 다양한 역동적인 스타일 중에서 선택하여 동영상을 쉽게 돋보이게 할 수 있습니다.
Zeemo의 일괄 편집 기능을 통해 캡션을 수동으로 수정하는 시간을 절약하고 비디오를 즉시 연마할 수 있습니다.
비디오 편집 올인원 비디오 편집 도구로 비디오를 다듬고 음악을 추가하여 명곡을 만듭니다.
Zeemo는 브라우저나 앱을 통해 자막을 추가할 수 있습니다. 우리는 자막으로 당신의 동영상을 향상시킬 수 있는 원활한 작업 흐름을 보장합니다.
자동 자막 비디오 기능을 사용하는 놀라운 콘텐츠 제작자의 의견을 들어보십시오.
I’ve tried a couple apps to add captions and this is the best. It gives you a free range of tools, styles, and colors to choose from. You literally can create any video you need!
Ava Sullivan
United States
It’s very fast and precise. It exactly fit my need as a social media influencer especially since my clients have disabilities. I’m perfectly satisfied with the first video I made.
Mia Chandler
United States
As a freelance videographer in Canada, I work with a diverse client who often needs captions in different languages. Zeemo has been a game-changer with its auto-generation and translation capabilities. Definitely the best tool I've found so far!
Owen Martin
Zeemo ha hecho mi trabajo mucho más fácil. Me ahorra horas de trabajo manual y las traducciones son sorprendentemente precisas. ¡Lo recomiendo!
Elena Garcia
Ich habe zahlreiche Untertitelungsprogramme ausprobiert, aber keines ist mit Zeemo vergleichbar. Seine Benutzerfreundlichkeit, gepaart mit seinen beeindruckenden automatischen Generierungs- und Übersetzungsfunktionen.
Lukas Schmidt
好好用! Zeemo 是我用過最好用的影片上字幕工具了。它的操作系統很簡潔,其他語言的翻譯又很準,從我開創了我的 Youtube 頻道起我就一直在用。
Chen Wei-Lin
Captions are pretty accurate and easy to edit if they are not. I love all the different options for the captions. And actually found colors pretty close to my branding colors, so that's a plus! Best captioning app I've used and I've tried plenty.
Junette Decker
United States
Очень классное приложение, индивидуальньное тем что есть функция перевода субтитров, такая функция есть не у многих приложений! Быстрые и качественные субтитры и быстрый экспорт.
Funny money
Excelente para videos de asta nueve minutos y susbtitulos sin cobro.
Victor El Guatemalteco
So fun to use for my YouTube channel definitely recommend I went from taking maybe a couple of hours of editing to half an hour you really should try it out!!!
Travis Mears
United Kingdom
Ứng dụng rất hay phù hợp với những người làm youtober như mình.
Vu Hoang
Việt Nam
It's such an awesome app for Android. If you consider adding more dynamic captions, I'll be very happy. Thanks before. I've subscribed to it!
Stefano Dewa
Um ótimo aplicativo que cumpre com o esperado, estar de parabéns pelo caráter de cumprir o que desejamos, aplicativo espetacular 💯 estrelas 💫
Rangel CRM
5 stelle sono pure poco. Eccezionale a 12 euro al mese per chi fa video.
luca tringali
Rispetto ad altre app fa pochissimi errori nella trascrizione. Interfaccia intuitiva, salvataggio veloce. Ottima app, ho fatto subito l'abbonamento. Spero aggiungano anche altri font per avere maggiori scelte 😊
Judit Marjai
It’s awesome! That’s all I have to say, absolute wow. So many options to choose from. Basically my dream video editing app. Get it. You won’t regret it.
Gracie Acie
United States
This app has very good subtitle dynamic effects and templates, rich subtitle styles, high recognition accuracy, and translation subtitle function, very good app. 👍👍
United States
It’s only my first day using it but the subtitles had great accuracy and it’s super easy to use. Definitely loving it so far!
Mompreneur Lifestyle Secrets
United States
The best subtitling app, it’s effortless! I never can imagine putting subtitles is such an easy job! It takes just a few seconds.
James Wilson
United States
Such a great app to add captions. And they have such lovely styles to suit your videos. Not the usual boring fonts.
United Kingdom
Une application qui a changé mon quotidien. J’adore cette application 🙂 Elle me permet vraiment de faire du bon travail rapidement.
Une Psychologue
Après la traduction automatique, l'édition par lot est plus rapide.
bernie diedra
복잡한 앱이 아니며 스타일이 매우 간단합니다. 마음에 들어요!
인스타그램 동영상 만들기에 최고! 시도해 볼 가치가 있습니다!
Andere Apps können nur Videos bearbeiten, aber Zeemo kann auch Fotos in Videos verwandeln.
Die Funktion, Fotos zur Bearbeitung hochzuladen, ist etwas ganz Besonderes.
Muy fácil de usar, muy funcional, la recomiendo 100%.
Lata de pollo
Sou um gestor de redes sociais e já a utilizei para IG até agora, mas tem sido super fácil de usar e editar.